

Events and news

Changes to the sports program during the summer.
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Closure of our entities due to annual maintenance or summer break in August.
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Enroll your children in our leisure climbing courses during the summer vacations
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A swimming course for children is set up for the summer of 2024.
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This Tuesday, March 5, we had the honor to welcome H.R.H. the Grand Duke to the Coque.
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To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Climbing Wall will be offering special offers throughout the year!
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Leisure climbing courses

Children's lessons
Two new courses will be offered during the Carnival vacations
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La Coque vous souhaite une très belle année 2024.
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A Coque gift card is full of surprises!
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The Wellness Center now opens at 10 a.m. on weekends
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From September 19, discover our new Back Fit class.
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The sports course schedule is slightly modified during the summer period from July 31 to September 3.
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New swimming lessons are on offer this summer!
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2-day course during the holidays for children from 8 years old.
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Tickets for the Luxembourg Ladies Tennis Masters (October) already on sale!
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La nouvelle campagne du ministère de la Santé "Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen" exposée à la Coque.
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Here are the opening hours of the Coque during the month of April
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